FOSS Prototype Fund

We Fund Open Source Prototypes in Civic Tech


The Prototype Fund supports ideas in Arts & Culture, Health & Education and Energy & Natural Resources. We want to provide our students – individual software developers, hackers, UX designers and small teams with the opportunity to codeand develop innovative open source applications in the area of public interest technologies – implement innovative software prototypeswith a benefit for society.

Applications are accepted 2 times a year. The individual students / project teams will receive up to Rs. 50,000 over six months from theOffice of Research & Innovation, IIITB. With this concept-to-prototype funding, they can write code and develop a first prototype of your software. In addition, we will connect them with tech and other relevant communities, support them with coaching, and advise them on project implementation andcommunication.

Only applicants who are currently studying in IIITB are eligible for funding. If you are interested in the funding program, take a look atour funding criteria and FAQ. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. We are happy to help!

Faculty Mentors

The following experts support us with their knowledge and experience in the fields of civic tech, open data, IT security, infrastructure and open source software. They evaluate the applications in terms of potential for success and relevance, and make a recommendation on the basis of which IIITB-ORI makes its prototype funding decision.

Prof. Thangaraju


Prof. Uttam Kumar

Student Mentor


Mr. Akshay Sujith


H1 Cohort:

Application Opens: 15th May - 15th Jun
Programme Duration: 1th Jul - 31th Dec
Demo Day: During RISE Confrence

H1 Cohort:

Application Opens: 15th Nov - 15th Dec
Programme duration : 1st Jan - 30th June
Demo Day: 18th Jul


H1 Cohort: Grant Winners

  1. Canvas Board
  2. DocuSign

Funding Criteria

The jury focuses particularly on the following criteria in its evaluation.


Frequently answered questions about Prototype Fund and related procedures.

Application Form

Are you an evangelist of Open Source and want to address Societal Issues? 

An Initiative of Dean’s Office of Research & Innovation, 21st Nov 2021

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For further queries, Contact IIITB Office of Research(ORA) :

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